hibryd.com - Karen Ammon (formerly Karen Setnor)
NEW: Calla Custom Molds
My new business, making soap mold inserts which allow soap makers to make soap with custom texts, logos or graphics, at a fraction of the price of other custom soap molds.
NEW: How to Make a Book Safe website
I looked online to find instructions on how to make a hollow book safe, and found over 3 dozen websites. They all sucked. I came up with a way that made a better-looking book safe in a fraction of the time and put together my own tutorial site.
NEW: In-store demo boards
These demonstration boards, displayed in Home Depot and Sears, showed customers how the tools work. The designs (including fonts, text sizing, and other specs) were made to match the store's aesthetic and branding guides.
NEW: Zircon Professional Line collateral
A collection of brochures, mailers, and data sheets to support the launch of Zircon's Professional Line of tools.
NEW: Zircon International web sites
After doing the domestic Zircon site, the international sites had their turn. All CSS layout, text links instead of graphical, replaced the Flash navigation with HTML/CSS, and unified content across multiple sites.